I18N Questions

I18N Questions1. What is the default character set of Windows Japanese
version ?
2. What is the default code page of Windows Japanese version ?
3. What is the Unicode (or UCS-2) ?
3-1. What is the ANSI C-defined wide-character data type ?
3-2. What does "BOM" stand for in Unicode encoding ?
4. What does "I18N" stand for ?
4a. What does "L10N" stand for ?
5. What is "Locale" in the context of internationalization ?
6. What does "IME" stand for ?
7. What Windows API is encouraged to use for string pointer increment ?
8. Assuming you want to set the current program locale information to the
ones defined for Japanese in the C program. How can you achieve this task in
one line of code ?
9. What is "C" locale ?
10. You had a English HTML file and asked someone to translate it into
Japanese. Then you've sent it to the one of your clients. However the client
claims that he can't see Japanese character properly using his browser. What
kind of things you should check on your side ?